Received 14.10.2020.
Abstract. The statistical data of 180 countries show a serious lag of GDP per capita in the developing world as a result of high birth rate and population growth of these countries per 1000 habitants. As a result, in accordance with the UN forecasts, the global population may reach 11 billion by 2100 and achieve the permissible level of anthropogenic load. Using the S-curve the article analyzes the pace of approximation of the global population growth limit. Global changes such as climate change and the spread of the pandemic as well as the local events, e. g. unauthorized migration to Europe and the US, depletion of drinking water and mineral resources, continuous military conflicts in Africa, the revival of sea piracy prove that the permissible level of anthropogenic load will soon be achieved. The article proposes a new concept of stabilizing the global population by 2100. It is based on international birth and population growth control through increased external assistance to countries of the developing world. The “ladder” shows the correlation between the increase in population and GDP, using which developing countries can reach zero population growth. The article suggests principles for designing a roadmap to reach zero population growth by the end of the century. Implementing the zero population growth concept will require the transformation of the market economy from its focus on GDP growth and income to the economy of environmental safety.
Keywords: zero population growth, anthropogenic load, reducing the backlog of the developing world
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