Abstract. The article is devoted to analysis of terrorist threats in Afghanistan and Pakistan, identifies their similar external and essential characteristics. Afghanistan is remarkable for the highest level of terrorist threats. Drivers of terrorist activity are the Taliban insurgency, more than 20 radical Islamist groups affiliated with Al-Qaida and partly with ISIL. Relying on the Afghan Taliban cooperation, Al-Qaida tries to regain its position in Afghanistan. Radical groups, consisting of foreign terrorist fighters are active in eastern, north-eastern and northern provinces of Afghanistan. Strengthening of the radical groups in the northern part of Afghanistan is a potential threat to the states of Central Asia. It can encourage the dissemination of extremist ideology in the region. Despite heavy casualties, ISIL tries not to lean back in Afghanistan. Pakistan’s security is tied with the situation in Afghanistan. The terrorist elements operating in Af-Pak region always played a major role in destabilization of the country. The paper also highlights that increasing presence of militant groups in Pakistan contributed to the deepening of religious differences in Pakistani society. The presence of the supporters of Al-Qaida in the region also complicates the security situation in Pakistan. The author emphasizes existing trend of cultivation of extremist ideologies to get political support of conservative hardliners and to flirt with extremist groups in Pakistan’s ruling circles. In recent years Islamabad could decrease the level of terrorist threats in Pakistan by conducting major military operations.
Keywords: Afghanistan, Pakistan, terrorist threats, ISIL, Al-Qaida, extremist groups, foreign terrorist fighters
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