Spain at the Crossing to the Stress-Resistant Growth Model

DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2021-65-12-40-49
Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAN), 51/21, Nakhimovskii Prosp., Moscow, 117418, Russian Federation;
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, 36, Stremyannyi Per., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation.
Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILA RAN), 21/16, B. Ordynka Str., Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation.

Received 29.06.2021.

Abstract. The authors analyze the most significant changes taking place in the socio-economic sphere and in the field of international relations of Spain under the influence of recent crisis shocks. The focus is on the complex and contradictory process of forming a resilient (stress-resistant) growth model, which should determine the main vector of development of the Spanish state for the period up to 2050. For the first time in the national scientific literature the key components of the new model are comprehensively studied, and a predictive assessment of the areas of structural changes in the economy, social sphere and international policy of Spain is given. A special place is reserved for consideration of the current state and prospects of Russian-Spanish trade and economic relations. The article shows that the Spanish state, after several decades of progressive development, is in a state of escape from the maze of crisis shocks and another transitional period associated with the need for deep socio-economic transformations. In fact, we are talking about the formation of a new model of growth: instead of the paradigm of development established at the end of the last century, which rested on three “whales”: construction and trade of real estate, accepting international tourism and priority trade and investment cooperation with partners in the European Union. In the face of largely unprecedented internal and external challenges, the Spanish State must adopt a new macroeconomic policy that takes into account the tectonic changes that have taken place (and continue to occur) in the modern world. The future of Spain and its place on the geoeconomic map depend on how the political leadership of the country, business and society as a whole will make a major transformation. Spanish socio-economic realities, interesting and significant as themselves, have an international sound and significance, as they closely correlate with the problems of a long number of countries in the world (including Russia, the states of southeastern Europe and Latin America) facing a similar challenge – the need to change the growth model. It is not so important whether their ruling circles are focused or not on this issue now, the need exists objectively and makes itself felt more and more every day.

Keywords: Spain, the consequences of coronacrisis, the formation of a new development strategy, a resilient growth model, Russian-Spanish economic relations


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Registered in System SCIENCE INDEX

For citation:
Yakovlev P., Yakovleva N. Spain at the Crossing to the Stress-Resistant Growth Model. World Eñonomy and International Relations, 2021, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 40-49.

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