Global Landscape of Neuroscience and Place of Russia

DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2020-64-9-37-47
I. Dezhina (,
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, 30, str. 1, Bol’shoy Bul’var, Innovation Center “Skolkovo”, Moscow, 121205, Russian Federation.
T. Nafikova (,
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, 30, str. 1, Bol’shoy Bul’var, Innovation Center “Skolkovo”, Moscow, 121205, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article analyzes world publication activity in neurosciences and public policies of the leading countries in this field, – the United States, EU and China, and compares them with Russia. The study is focused on three aspects – the current state and dynamics of publication activity and citations; the relation of neuroscience to other fields of knowledge and the logic of development of neuroscience subject areas; development of neuroscience in leading countries and the influence of state priorities on the evolution of the discipline. The relevance of the research is justified by the severity of neurological and mental diseases, as well as the role of neuroscience and neurotechnology in restoring and expanding brain resources. The study methodology is based on bibliometric analysis using analytical instrument SciVal, which aggregates publication data from Scopus. It is revealed that globally neurosciences demonstrate higher growth rate and field weighted citation index than global publication corpus. As far as overlapping with other scientific fields is concerned, biomedical disciplines prevail, but the role of computer sciences is gradually increasing. Another important aspect is the growing importance of more specific research subjects, i.e. a process of specialization, which is characteristic of many developing sciences. The USA and EU each account for about 38% of the total number of publications on neurosciences for 2000–2018, and China is progressively gaining bigger share due to high growth rate. Russia is lagging behind with only 0.8% of the total number of publications. Moreover, USA, EU and China have a fairly distinguished specialization in research subjects which correlate with their policy priorities. It is shown that Russian state policy is more focused on the development of neurotechnology, rather than neurosciences, thus aggravating underdevelopment of the latter. Introduction of a large state program supporting neurosciences similar to the initiatives of the leading countries is recommended.

Keywords: neuroscience, publication activity, citation, public policy, international experience, Russia, USA, EU, China


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For citation:
Dezhina I., Nafikova T. Global Landscape of Neuroscience and Place of Russia. World Eñonomy and International Relations, 2020, vol. 64, no. 9, pp. 37-47.

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