Modern Migration Policy of France

DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2020-64-8-119-126
Y. Streltsova (,
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, 36, Stremyannyi Per., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation;
Institute for Socio-Political Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, 6/1, Fotievoi Str., Moscow, 119333, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article considers the main directions of migration policy outlined in Emmanuel Macron’s policy statements (France, 2017) and government programs of recent years. This refers to the policy of France regarding the reception of refugees, student immigration, “family” immigration, immigration on the status of “passport talent”, as well as immigration of professional and scientific personnel. The latest data on the number of immigrants in these categories are provided. The priority area of integration of immigrants is discussed in detail, as well as measures that are designed to improve the French integration model, including the system of reception and adaptation of newcomers. The discussion points of view on the current migration policy of the country by representatives of the main political parties, expressed at the debate in the National Assembly of France in November 2019, are investigated. 20 measures adopted by the government in November 2019 to change the French migration policy and make it more effective and more controllable are analyzed. The procedure for introducing quotas by profession and stages of its practical application are examined in detail. The issue of state spending on the reception of refugees and integration of immigrants is raised. Attention is drawn to the approach of E. Macron to the main problems of French migration policy and to the changes that occur during his presidency. Innovations related to strengthening cooperation with French citizens living outside of France, as well as expanding French education system abroad, are highlighted. The article discusses the statements of the presidential program, which, on the one hand, should strengthen the influence of French expatriates on the sociopolitical and economic life of France, as well as their representation in the country, and, on the other, solve the issue of their information and economic support.

Keywords: French migration policy, E. Macron, integration, immigrants, refugees, French expatriates


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For citation:
Strel'tsova Y. Modern Migration Policy of France. World Eñonomy and International Relations, 2020, vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 119-126.

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