V. Larin (victorlar@mail.ru),
Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, Far-Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 89, Pushkinskaya Str., Vladivostok, 690950, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article analyzes the Chinese politics and bilateral relations with Northeast Asian countries in the second decade of the 21st century through the prism of theoretical innovations proposed by the PRC leadership in the field of international diplomacy, economic development and global governance as well as its initiatives in the sphere of “cooperative interaction” and ensuring regional security. The author shows that China’s acquisition of the global power status and the active promotion of its own agenda in international affairs had a weak effect on its position in NEA and relations with countries of the region, including Russia. Although Beijing incorporates all the states of the region into its “global partnership network”, it is not some theoretical models and idealistic concepts, but specific economic interests, political calculations, cultural factors and historical baggage that play a key role in China’s relations with Japan, North and South Korea, Mongolia or Russia. Chinese diplomacy takes into account the extremely complicated balance of power and configuration of relations in the region, and therefore, does not make much effort to promote new formats of integration and security building in the region, considering it sufficient to demonstrate good intentions of the PRC and its behavior as a “responsible state”. The north-eastern part of Eurasia, including the Pacific part of Russia, is modestly represented in Xi Jinping’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative, it is not the object of its financial expansion, and therefore, the nature and scale of China’s economic interaction with NEA countries have not changed much over the past decade.
Keywords: China, Northeast Asia, foreign policy, international relations, economic cooperation
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