Abstract. There is no need today to prove the relevance of the problems of cross-border migration in general, and of labor in particular. It is significant that in this sphere, there are cardinal changes not only in the structure and intensity of flows, but also in the transformation of goals and objectives of migration policy, in organization of migration regulation systems on the part of the main receiving countries. The analysis of the relationship between the common characteristics of modern national systems of migration regulation and their specific national features is of particular interest – par excellence in the context of the transformation of the goals, objectives and methods of regulation of transnational migrant flows. It’s this, ultimately, that determines the effectiveness of activities, the ability to find adequate answers to new migration realities. In this sense, the Russian experience in the formation of a national model of migration regulation and development of a modern migration policy is of undoubted interest. The article discusses the current problems of labor migration regulation in Russia. A new Concept of the State Migration Policy of the Russian Federation through to 2025 has been adopted, which is an indicator of the change in priorities, goals and objectives of migration policy and the system of migration regulation. In addition, the new concept as a program document does not provide answers to a number of questions relating specifically to labor migration. This applies both to the ratio of supply and demand for foreign labor, and to the choice of more effective mechanisms for determining needs and ways to satisfy them. Today, in the regulation of labor migration (including visa) there are many problems that need to be resolved on the basis of program-targeted approaches.
Keywords: labor migration, migration policy, labor market, foreign labor, quotas
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