Xu Wenhong (xuwenhong@mail.ru),
Institute of Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 3, Zhangzizhonglu Str., Beijing 100007, People’s Republic of China,
Belt and Road Research Center, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 3, Zhangzizhonglu Str., Beijing 100007, People’s Republic of China
Abstract. With the development of the Internet, it has gradually become an indispensable infrastructure for all countries in the world. Cyber security issues have been emerging in various countries recently, and countries around the world are beginning to build their own cyber security systems. The origin of all cyber security activities come from the “ñyber sovereignty”. “Sovereignty” refers to the supreme and exclusive power of administration over matters within a certain jurisdiction. “Cyber sovereignty” is a natural extension of national sovereignty in the cyber space. There are different opinions on the cyber security building. When the meaning of “Internet freedom” is significant, we believe that the words “cyber sovereignty” are the first and foremost in the cyber security system building. And cyber sovereignty itself is a foundation of all corresponding activities. Theoretically, the cyber space has no boundaries, but legally, it is not out of reach of law. China is a staunch supporter and advocate of cyber sovereignty. At present, cyber sovereignty faces many challenges. In order to meet them, it is necessary to study the future cyber sovereignty (security) with emerging countries involved. It is impossible for any country to get absolute security. Usually, a great power promotes freedom while others stress on game rules. Emphasizing the role of cyber sovereignty in the cyber security building does not mean shutting down the cyber and secluding a country from the outside world. The international community should build a new cyber governance order based on mutual respect for cyber sovereignty and sovereign equality. Shared governance should be the future of cyber sovereignty.
Keywords: cyber sovereignty, cyber security, cyber governance, challenge, risk, response measures
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