A New Epoch in the Development of Russian-African Cooperation

DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2020-64-12-113-122
Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (IAS RAS), 30/1, Spiridonovka Str., Moscow, 123001, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article contains an analysis of the current state of trade and economic relations between Russia and African countries, as well as the prospects for their development after the first Russia-Africa Summit and the Economic Forum in Sochi in October 2019. The author notes a large surplus in Russia’s trade with Africa and explains the reasons for the dominance of the countries of North Africa, and especially Egypt, in its geographical structure. The main product groups are listed, through which Russia can increase exports to Africa; Russia’s main competitors in trade with the continent as well as state support measures for exporters are described. However, the main contribution to the development of Russian-African economic ties in the future will be made not by foreign trade, but by economic cooperation. Its flagships are now three major projects worth more than $1 billion each, all of which are carried out in Egypt. Among Russian companies investing in the economies of African countries, mining ones are currently dominant. Of these, Rosneft made the biggest investments. This company develops the largest gas field in Egypt – Zohr, and implements projects also in Mozambique. Exploration, finance and the IT technology sector are also of particular interest to Russian companies in Africa. The author indicates the most promising areas for the development of Russian- African industrial cooperation and the transfer of Russian technologies to this continent. In addition, in recent years, Russia and African countries have increasingly regarded security as an important area of bilateral relations. The article reveals the main threats to the security of African countries, the ability of Russian companies to strengthen it and Russia’s contribution to UN peacekeeping operations in Africa, in comparison with contributions of the other permanent members of the Security Council. It describes a number of measures that can contribute to the development of Russian-African partnership in the context of the Sochi consensus.

Keywords: Russia, Africa, foreign trade, economic relations, industrial cooperation, technology transfer, security


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For citation:
Volkov S. A New Epoch in the Development of Russian-African Cooperation. World Eсonomy and International Relations, 2020, vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 113-122. https://doi.org/10.20542/0131-2227-2020-64-12-113-122

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