Fight “For” and “Against” Identity in Inner Political Processes: a Conflict between “New Liberals” and Traditionalists

DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2019-63-9-50-60

R. Lunkin (,
Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences (IE RAS), 11/3, Mokhovaya Str., Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation;
S. Filatov (,
Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (IOS RAS), 12, Rozhdestvenka Str., Moscow, 107031, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article analyzes the withstanding of two worldviews – traditionalism and antitraditionalism – in the context of the conflict between the “right populism” and the modern liberalism. The authors define the ideology of the modern liberal order as antitraditionalism because it differs from the classical liberalism and should not be mixed with neoliberalism. Its basic feature is the intention to overcome every identity, because the identity, according to the antitraditionalist ideology, chains humans with narrow frames of stereotypes imposed from outside. The overcoming of identity opens the world of new possibilities and new values. In the chapter on the basics of antitraditionalism, the authors distinguish two ideological sources of this worldview. Firstly, it is Christianity that claims the principles of equality. The second source is Marxism where “being defines conscience”, and both the “discriminated conscience of the exploited” and the “suppressing conscience of the dominating class” exist. The progress of the new ideology is described in the chapter on the revolution of antitraditionalism. The influence of the struggle between two trends on inner political processes is analyzed in the chapter on the party delimitations and political discussions. It is stressed that Russia was a pioneer of antitraditionalism in the Soviet period but now counters the new “liberal” values. The traditionalist wave in Europe and USA was provoked by immigration crisis, discussion around issues of gender and perception of nationalism. The authors conclude that the beginning of a new ideological and political fight in the modern world as well as the occurrence of the traditionalist reaction to a peaceful antitraditionalist revolution (which has been taking place since the second half of 20th century) is a regular process. 

Keywords: liberalism, traditionalism, antitraditionalism, problems of indentity, nationalism, right populism, gender problems 


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For citation:
Lunkin R., Filatov S. Fight “For” and “Against” Identity in Inner Political Processes: a Conflict between “New Liberals” and Traditionalists. World Eñonomy and International Relations, 2019, vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 50-60.

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