Russian-Mongolian Cooperation in Protection of Lake Baikal Ecosystem

DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2019-63-3-68-75

A. Makarov (,
Baikal institute of nature using management, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (BIP SO RAN), 8, Sakhyanova Str., Ulan-Ude 670047, Russian Federation

Acknowledgments. The article has been prepared within framework of state assignment BIP SO RAN (project No. 0339-2016-0002).

Abstract. As of now, the rational utilization of the trans-boundary waters turned to be among the priority directions of scientific research in the field of protection of the lake Baikal (an object of World natural heritage according to UNESCO). The fact that a considerable part of the Selenga river basin (the basic inflow of the lake) is situated on the Mongolian territory has an increasing influence on the Russian-Mongolian inter-state relations. This defines the necessity of coordinated efforts aimed at securing ecological balance within the limits of all basins as a pressing problem of fundamental value. The resolution of the given problem at the interstate relations level demands working out of adequate strategy of the transboundary waters protection of the lake Baikal basin with a view of ecological safety, social and economic development, regional integration and geopolitical stability. The paper analyses the, pressing questions of the Russian-Mongolian cooperation in the context of transboundary waters sharing in the lake Baikal basin. The specificity and major factors that are limiting the Ìîngolian intensive social and economic development are characterized. A complex analysis of hydropower schemes development in Mongolia is presented. The basic directions of ecological and economic interests balance maintenance based on the conventional procedures of environmental trans-boundary impact assessment are outlined. The most reliable options for the development of Russian-Mongolian mutual cooperation with a view of transboundary waters of the lake Baikal basin protection are considered.

Keywords: Russia, Mongolia, ecosystem, Lake Baikal, World natural heritage, international cooperation, sharing waters, environmental impact


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For citation:
Makarov A. Russian-Mongolian Cooperation in Protection of Lake Baikal Ecosystem . World Eñonomy and International Relations, 2019, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 68-75.

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