I. Andronova (aiv1207@mail.ru),
RUDN University, Miklukho-Maklaya Str., 6, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation;
I. Bokachev (ibokachev@gmail.com),
RUDN University, Miklukho-Maklaya Str., 6, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article is concerned with government role under support and development of the India’s innovation system. There is a three-level structure of state support in innovation and technology sphere. The paper describes national support as system of connected institutional units. Government of India has organized such elements as Technopreneur innovation promotion program, national innovation fund, technology development and promotion program, venture capital financing program, science and technology business parks, technology business incubators, Technology Development Council, the new leadership initiatives, biotechnology department initiative, non-government organizations and other elements. According to the Department of Scientific and Technological Research current 2018 data, there are about 1,300 research and development enterprises and about 900 non-commercial research and industrial research organizations funded from public sources. The volume of existing tax incentives regarding to the innovation projects increases every year in the national budget. The Department of Science and Technology holds key positions in the whole innovation system of India. Eight joint centers were established with active cooperation with some of the partner countries of bilateral cooperation. The aim of the paper is to identify the activities of certain government institutions, as well as their interrelations within the system. The main task of the research is to establish relationships within such a structure of innovation state support, including determining the main activities of its individual elements. The authors concluded that there is a structured system of state support for innovation in India, noting the key areas of national organizations in the innovation fields, which are strategically important for the country.
Keywords: government support of innovations, national innovation system, economic development, green economy, innovations, new technologies, innovation funds, science, R&D
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