N. Yakovleva (nel-yakovleva@yandex.ru),
Institute of Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 21/16, B. Ordynka Str., Moscow 115035, Russian Federation;
P. Yakovlev (petrp.yakovlev@yandex.ru),
Institute of Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 21/16, B. Ordynka Str., Moscow 115035, Russian Federation;
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, 36, Stremyannyi Per., Moscow 115054, Russian Federation
Abstract. In a changing world order, some emerging factors are objectively conductive to Russia’s rapprochement with those regions that relatively recently (15–20 years ago) were mainly in the sphere of other global actors’ interests. In particular, in recent years, Russia had a kind of breakthrough with Latin America and the Caribbean: a significant advance towards bilateral and multilateral interaction almost in all possible formats and on all fronts. An example is the Russian-Argentine cooperation. At the present stage, relations between the Russian Federation and the Argentine Republic are characterized by strategic depth, and cover a wide range of priority areas of interstate economic and political interactions. The root causes for this state of affairs reflect both specifics of the comparatively long historical experience of the Russian-Argentine cooperation and peculiarities of the current very difficult and largely controversial period of world development, the main feature of which are rapid changes in all spheres of international life. The modern period of bilateral relations can be divided in three different content segments. During the first stage (until 2007), a process of gradual rapprochement took place. At that time, the most promising spheres of economic and political cooperation were defined. In subsequent years, a significant expansion of bilateral interaction associated with Russia’s new foreign policy concept dated July 12, 2008 was noted, encompassing Latin American countries in the scope of Moscow’s priority interests. At the same time, a personal understanding between the leaders of Russia and Argentina was reached. In the second phase (2008–2014), bilateral relations reached a new level. Having agreed in 2008 to build the relations of strategic partnership, Russian and Argentine governments made vigorous efforts to translate these mutual intentions into practice. An unprecedented intensification of political and diplomatic contacts occurred, a number of visits between senior leaders took place that permitted to establish the relationship of mutual understanding and trust. Both sides demonstrated a willingness for long and wide cooperation. The current, third phase of interaction began, according to the authors, in 2015, when Argentine-Russian relations reached their highest point by transition to the stage of comprehensive strategic partnership. However, holding on to reality, it is necessary to note that Argentina and Russia are still at the very beginning of the path to maximizing benefits from collaboration in various sectors of economy.
Keywords: Russia, Latin America, Argentina, trade, economic cooperation, strategic partnership
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