V. Sheinis (sheynis31@gmail.com),
Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO), 23, Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation
Abstract. It is long enough since the end of the “Russian 20th century” – Russia’s withdrawal from the communist formation – for thorough understanding and arguing on what economic and social order it has finally come to. Books are being published, serious articles appear, round-tables are being held. Different opinions collide. Reevaluation of views and values is going on. For many people, these past decades are peculiar, familiar, aching, experienced. One of the latest published books is a collective work of three well-known scientists, employees of the European University at Saint Petersburg, a merited research center. The authors of the book – Dmitrii Travin, Vladimir Gel'man and Andrei Zaostrovtsev – have introduced a thorough and distinctive analysis of problems which emerged and were left unsold on the path traveled, and of the pathway itself that does not fit into the concept of the final stage of world transit to the market and democracy. Their views and conclusions echo closely to perceptions of other eminent scientists and parties involved in the events: Aleksandr Yakovlev, Grigorii Yavlinskii, Yurii Pivovarov, Anatolii Vishnevskii, Mikhail Gefter et al. This article represents an interchange of researchers’ views on open problems of the modern Russia’s path which is not yet traveled. In particular, these are specifically compiled elements of the path where reforms were implemented: ideas, interests, institutions, illusions; the main historical curve on the way – a pivot from the communist regime to a new authoritarianism; a fundamental difference between policy è politics disappearing in Russian translation; political and economic phenomenon of power ownership; collision between the European development pathway and the “Eurasian pathway” mythologema, etc. The concluding subject comprises unobvious perspectives of tomorrow: depletion of resources of an unshaped social contract between power and population; a danger of restoration process – the dead end of development; limited social and political capacities of returning to the reform path; collapse of economic system, large-scale crisis of state and society, etc.
Keywords: historical pathway of Russia, European pathway, authoritarianism for progress, aggressive stagnant authoritarianism, stagnant authoritarianism, power ownership, triad (reform, revolution, restoration), policy vs. politics, European University at Saint Petersburg
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