V. Kashin (vkashin@hse.ru),
National Research University Higher School of Economics, 17, Malaya Ordynka Str., Moscow, 119017, Russian Federation;
A. Korolev (askorolev@hse.ru),
National Research University Higher School of Economics, 17, Malaya Ordynka Str., Moscow, 119017, Russian Federation
Acknowledgements. The article was supported by a grant of the Russian Science Foundation (project ¹ 17-18-01577 “The formation of Greater Eurasia Community and strategy of Russia’s bilateral interaction with the countries of the region”).
Abstract. The article deals with the conceptual framework of Chinese foreign aid, main goals and directions, mechanisms of its implementation and its efficiency evaluation by the example of Central Asian states. It has to be mentioned that Chinese approaches towards foreign aid used since the PRC was founded fundamentally differ from Western practices. China traditionally emphasizes its own status as a developing country and claims to be a proponent of the developing countries’ interests. Moreover, Beijing tends to highlight that unlike Western countries, it does not use aid as an excuse for intervention in the internal affairs of foreign states. Central Asia plays an important role in Chinese aid policy mainly due to geographical proximity, Beijing’s desire to maintain regional security, find additional sources of growth for the Chinese economy and get an access to mineral resources, which is especially important against the background of China’s growing domestic demand for commodities and participation of Central Asian states in Beijing’s trade and economic initiatives. Evaluating the efficiency of Chinese foreign aid programs, it should be noted that Beijing has managed to turn aid into an effective instrument of implementing its foreign policy interests, primarily, by creating pro-Chinese political and economic clientele hugely dependent on various forms of foreign aid. At the same time, an increase in the dependence of recipient countries on Chinese investments and economic assistance leads to a surge in anti-China sentiments in a number of regional countries which are apprehensive about the possibility to become a raw material appendage of Beijing.
Keywords: foreign aid, China, Central Asia, Silk Road Economic Belt
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