The Potential of the African Continent in the Development Strategy of the Russian Economy

DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2017-61-9-24-35

I. Abramova (,
Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 30/1, Spiridonovka Str., Moscow 123001, Russian Federation;
L. Fituni (,
Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 30/1, Spiridonovka Str., Moscow 123001, Russian Federation 

Abstract. The article is aimed at searching ways of expansion and optimal use of the Russian-African cooperation opportunities for the benefit of accelerated development of the Russian economy, its modernization and structural transformation. Relevance of the study is defined by its fundamental nature, namely by the planned contribution to evolvement of world the development model change theory, formation of a new international relations configuration, including the role of both Russian Federation and the African continent in these processes. The article covers theoretical recommendations for formulation of the new economic policy key principles regarding the efficiency enhancement of modernization and diversification processes in Russian economy and improving the country’s competitiveness in the world, taking into account the use of “African vector”. For the first time strategic areas of cooperation between the Russian Federation and African countries in new geo-economic and geopolitical conditions are theoretically substantiated statistically and factually approbated. The authors proceed from the premise that Russian-African relations possess a significant and growing resource of advancement for Russia and African countries on the way to achieving priority national tasks: speed-up of economic growth, modernization and innovative development, import substitution, energy security and energy efficiency, growth population welfare gain. For the first time in modern Russian economic science the article shows what kind of role Africa can play in economic renewal of Russia against those challenges and dangers that our country is faced by since 2014. The expected results of the study have large scientific and public importance as on their basic formulation of new theoretical theses regarding the change of a world development model, which can be considered as an important contribution to the evolvement of both social sciences in the Russian Federation and a new concept of Russia’s foreign policy in African dimension amidst modern geopolitical risks. 

Keywords: foreign economic strategy of the Russian Federation, emerging markets, Africa, Russia–Africa cooperation 


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For citation:
Abramova I., Fituni L. The Potential of the African Continent in the Development Strategy of the Russian Economy. World Eñonomy and International Relations, 2017, vol. 61, no. 9, pp. 24-35.

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