M. Khorol'skaya (khorolskaja.marya@yandex.ru),
Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO), 23, Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow 117997, Russian Federation
Abstract. In 2008, the EU entered a series of crises, and that was the reason for growth of euroscepticism and right-wing radicalism. The situation in Germany arouses a particular interest. In this country considered to be a leader of the euro-integration, the populists eurosceptic party “Alternative for Germany” has gained a massive support. The demonstrations of right-wing movement PEGIDA in Dresden are raising concerns in society and among political scientists. The ideas of right-wing radicalists and populists are particularly supported in new federal states that used to be a part of the GDR. Thereby, in this article, the author tried to look into the issue of potentially existing differences in political cultures between the eastern and western federal states, and also to investigate in what way such differences can influence the whole situation. Special attention is devoted to differences in attitudes of West and East Germans towards democracy. The greatest fear of political scientists was: will the inclusion of the former part of the GDR have an impact on democratic development in a negative way? The second point examined is political engagement and involvement into a political process. The third one is the differences in electoral preferences. The fourth one is the analysis of the right populism and radicalism spreading due to a number of indexes which revealed a greater support of the right-wing in East Germany. And finally, several conclusions were drawn. The expectations of the Western elite related with a quick transfer of its political culture to the former GDR territory were not satisfied. A nonlinear interaction was set between political cultures of the western and eastern states which includes adaptation of new federal states to the democratic system of West Germany, polarization in perceptions of an ideal democracy model and integration of electoral preferences. Such differences do not raise concerns in a stable period, but in a period of crises, such factors as the lesser support of democracy, a tendency to non-institutional political involvement, high level of protest moods, the lesser involvement into the European integration process promote greater support for populist parties, eurosceptic and right-wing movements. Thereby, this tendency demoralizes the whole situation in the country.
Keywords: unification of Germany, new federal states, political culture, electoral preferences, populism, euroscepticism, right-wing radicalism
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