Formation of a New Immigration Regime in Europe

DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2017-61-7-83-92

A. Shaparov (,
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 17, Severnaya Dvina Emb., Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russiaò Federation 

Abstract. In this paper, the author examines an immigration policy-making between the EU Member States and EU institutions during the European migrant crisis. A significant dilemma in terms of culture clash consists in often conflicting values that immigrants from traditional Third World countries bring to Europe, a really downright hatred they often display towards liberal values and what is perceived as the decadence of the Western civilization. The EU has considerable experience in immigration, refugee policy and selection of suitable settlers. The implementation of Schengen Agreements and the Dublin Convention most visibly indicates that the European integration process is a difficult problem. The Visegrad Four states (Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic) have been resisting mass immigration policies in the face of stern criticism from leading EU nations such as Germany and France. Such a situation raises new challenges to liberal states which should find a balance between policies limited in actions according to liberal values and governmental obligations to guarantee public safety. Far-right parties pursue a policy based on a strongly anti-immigration and Eurosceptic platform, rejecting multiculturalism. Fears about the migrant crisis have boosted the far-right still further. Terrorism was seen as essentially related to immigration policy until the terror attacks in Europe of 2015–2016 revealed that the bombers were locally-born. And regardless the fact that the all recent terror attacks in Europe were linked to migrants and radical Islamists, the EU immigration policy was not altered in response to these findings, so the intake of Muslims remained unlimited. The further aggravation of the refugee crisis will lead to the shift of a political decision-making process from immigration institutions of the European Union to the national level. The achievement of control over the situation with migrants is only possible through changes in migration regime connected with change of the present left-liberal set of values. This article identifies political and legal changes in the European immigration regime connected with increase in significance of state discretionary powers as a states’ counteraction to the threat of terrorism. 

Keywords: migrant crisis, immigration regime, European Union, refugees, PEGIDA, terrorism 


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For citation:
Shaparov A. Formation of a New Immigration Regime in Europe. World Eñonomy and International Relations, 2017, vol. 61, no. 7, pp. 83-92.

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