Abstract. We offer our readers report on discussion at “round table” that took place in editorial office of “World Economy and International Relations” February 28, 2017. Participants: Borokh O.N., Cand. Sci. (Econ.); Vinogradov A.V., Dr. Sci. (Political Sciences); Davydov O.V.; Kanaev E.A., Dr. Sci. (History), Prof.; Karneev A.N., Cand. Sci. (History); Leontieva E.L., Cand. Sci. (Econ.); Lomanov A.V., Dr. Sci. (History), Prof.; Mikheev V.V., Acad. of RAS; Rogozhina N.G., Dr. Sci. (Political Sciences); Ryabov A.V., Cand. Sci. (History); Fedorovsky A.N., Dr. Sci. (Econ.); Shvydko V.G., Cand. Sci. (Econ.). Here we publish report of discussion devoted comparative analysis of changes in political systems of Pacific Asian countries in the last years. Participants of debates considered experience of China, South and North Korea, Japan, ASEAN states as a whole, Thailand and Vietnam as well. The report will be published in two issues of Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya.
Keywords: Pacific Asia, Political System, Changes, Authoritarianism, Democracy
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