M. Yurchenko (marina.tsu.edu@mail.ru),
Tyumen’ State University, 6, Volodarskogo Str., Tyumen’ 625003, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article deals with problems and results of the United Nations reform between its two anniversaries of 2005 and 2015. It has been 10 years since the jubilee events dedicated to the UN 60 th anniversary, and the reform process continues, but its results leave much to be desired. The author focuses on the questions of the United Nations internal administrative reform and on the complexity of the Security Council reorganization. The approaches of Russia and the United States to this reform are also considered. Attention is paid to problems in relations between the West and the “Group of 77” within the UN. The crisis of the United Nations’ capacity that has been talked over so much consists in the desire of the Member States to use the Organization exclusively in their national interests, to achieve geopolitical goals and to influence the opponents. The reasons are also differences in views between the North and the South on major international issues, including the UN reform. Developing countries are trying to counter the “power of the purse” of developed countries, and those, in turn, object the “majority rule” in the United Nations General Assembly. Given the existing contradictions and the “tug of war” between the Security Council and the General Assembly, the United Nations reform and the solution of pressing international problems will be difficult. The author believes that success in building a more secure and equitable World Order as well as the UN system reform lies in an ideological and moral sphere. A higher level of consciousness and morality, non-violence and rejection of consumerism, transition to other models of public relations and environmental management are required. The United Nations Organization is made up of the member states and can be effective as much as they wish. Fruitful cooperation of its Member States can only be based on respect for each other, equal partnership, taking into account of mutual interests, and the absence of double standards. There is no alternative to this approach considering the increasing number and scale of today’s challenges and threats.
Keywords: United Nations, reform, Security Council, veto, Russia, USA, “Group 77”
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