Abstract. The authors investigate the prospects for cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the countries of North-East Asia concerning formation of a trans-border energy super-ring. The paper starts from the analysis of energy capabilities of the EAEU member states and their main macroeconomic indicators. It is shown that according to the indicators the EAEU is the second largest integration union in the world after the European Union. A very important factor for the EAEU is to develop not only the common internal energy market and energy union, but also the development and implementation of a common energy export policy. The authors consider the most likely scenarios for the development in key areas of cooperation between EAEU states and energy markets participants in Europe and Asia. It is noted that the formation of new integration associations under the patronage of the United States (the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) is forcing the states of EAEU to formulate a balanced geopolitical response jointly with their neighbours in the North-East Asian part of the Eurasia. Today, there are several integration paths that complement each other and allow to implement many projects in different spheres according to the principle of mutual benefit. This primarily concerns energy cooperation between the states of EAEU, Japan, South Korea, China and Mongolia in order to create energy super-ring which would connect the territories of these states.
Keywords: Eurasian Economic Union, energy cooperation, energy integration, world energy markets, North-East Asia, Eurasian space, energy super-ring, continental partnership
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