D. Krasil'nikov, Perm State National Research University, 15, Bukireva Str., 614068, Perm, Russian Federation (develop@mail.ru),
O. Sivintseva, Perm State National Research University, 15, Bukireva Str., 614068, Perm, Russian Federation (sivenc8@gmail.com)
Acknowledgements. The article is prepared with financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (project № 14-33-01028 “The Western Managerial Models in Chinese Institutional Environment: Experience for Russia”).
Abstract. The article deals with adaptation of the Western managerial model "New Public Management" to the institutional conditions of contemporary China. The article examines four groups of the "New Public Management" elements: performance management mechanisms (performance indicators for civil servants), mechanisms of authority devolution (administrative decentralization and public functions transfer from state to private sector), public participation and services delivery increase, economic strategical instruments (accountability management, performance budgeting, budget economy). The performance management mechanisms in China are characterized by absence of determinate indicators and independent results examination. The mechanisms of authority devolution refer to Chinese political leaders’ refusal from delegation of power to areas and private sector on the strength of the rigid state form of government. The instruments of public participation and services delivery increase are limited by lack of active public participation and territorial fragmentation, different status of services providers (from the state to semi independent organizations) in China. The economic strategical instruments “do not work” for expenditures reduction and public administration effectiveness. The article enounces the selective character of imported elements according to the institutional environment specificity (values and traditions as a base of political culture, unripe civil society and commercial sector, state monopoly in Chinese economy, nomenclature survivals in Chinese bureaucracy activity, etc.) and peculiarities of China's political course. The authors reach the conclusion that the specificity of the Chinese "New Public Management" model is preservation of the traditional political system status quo to the detriment of administrative system effectiveness and efficiency. In this regard, the Chinese political leaders refuse to import the "New Public Management" elements related to active public participation and such managerial elements as multiprofessional command and creative organizational culture.
Keywords: New Public Management, administrative reforms, management by results, decentralization, accountability management, performance budgeting, state procurement
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