S. Mikhnevich, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 19, Lenina Str., Minsk, 220030, Republic of Belarus (s_mikhnevich@mail.ru)
Abstract. The article analyzed the ways to improve the foreign trade policy of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in connection with the accession of Armenia and Kyrgyzstan to this integration association. To achieve this goal the obligations of Armenia and Kyrgyzstan in the framework of the WTO are compared with the Russia's ones. Such comparison is required because the EAEU implements its Treaty “On functioning of Customs Union within the framework of the Multilateral Trading System” as of May 19, 2011. Pursuant to Article 1 of this Treaty, the Russian obligations under the WTO serve as basis for the foreign trade policy pursued by the EAEU. Amid a variety of Russia’s, Armenia’s and Kyrgyzstan’s obligations the author stresses those concerning market access for goods. These obligations will be most meaningful in the mid-run from the perspective of economic development of the EAEU. The levels of applied duties, as well as the levels of bound duties were compared for the main groups of agricultural and non-agricultural products. The analysis of applied duties showed that the EAEC market at whole is better protected than the Armenian and Kyrgyz national markets with regard to an overwhelming majority of product groups. The EAEU has been particularly focused on the protection of the agricultural market, as well as on such product groups as textiles and clothing, wood and related products. At the same time, the analysis of the bound rates for the main groups of agricultural and non-agricultural products points to the fact that, if necessary, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan have certain room to increase the customs duties up to the bound levels. A conclusion has been drawn that the harmonization of the WTO obligations assumed by Russia, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan will lead to a certain weakening of tariff protection in the EAEC market. However, the weakening will be insignificant (the average level of the bound customs duties is expected to fall by 2-2.5 per cent points), following the global trend of trade liberalization.
Keywords: Eurasian Economic Union, integration, WTO, applied duties, bound duties
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