P. Cherkasov, Institute of General History (IVI), Russian Academy of Sciences, 32a, Leninskii Prosp., 119334, Moscow, Russian Federation (ptch46@mail.ru)
Abstract. The article covers one of the most difficult periods in IMEMO history, which dates back to 1990s, when Russia was going through the deepest (since 1917) structural transformation. This transformation also affected the field of science, which significantly lost its former government support. Allocations from the budget (less than 40% as compared to the previous period) were not enough even to pay wages to employees, aside from material and technical provision of researches. Research institutes, being part of the Russian Academy of Sciences, were forced to look for additional sources of funding to provide financial support to scientists and further researches. IMEMO was not an exception. Amid massive brain drain of the most skillful young scientists from the field of science, the IMEMO management by all chances strived for retaining the core of the scientific potential. All resorts were exploited: space was leased, separate scientific and commercial enterprises of small business were established within the IMEMO territory, search for grants both domestically and abroad was encouraged, employees assignment to foreign scientific centers was practiced, double job holding was rewarded for those who needed it. From the money raised, the Fund of Scientific, Technical and Social Development of the Institute and the Fund of Social Support to Scientists were established, which helped mitigate the financial situation among employees. In 1990s, IMEMO was one of the rare institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences not to practice delay in wages payment, with salaries volume exceeding those at similar academic centers, though the task was just to make both ends meet. Despite the difficulties, the research team continued to work. Books and articles appeared, international conferences were held, policy recommendations delivered. The “World Economy and International Relations” journal played a significant role publishing the results of the most interesting researches.
Keywords: IMEMO Charter, funding, grants, benefits, Fund of Social Support to Scientists, lease, personnel, reorganization, research, educational activity, international scientific network, V. Martynov, A. Lisov, G. Ponedelko, G. Diligenskii
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