F. Popov, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Science, 12 Rozhdestvenka Str. Moscow, 107031, Russian Federation; Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Science, 29 Staromonetnyi Per., Moscow, 119017, Russian Federation; Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation (fpopov15@gmail.com)
Abstract. This paper analyses the connection between two intrastate processes: state failure, leading in extreme case to state collapse, and de facto fragmentation of state’s political space. These processes represent two sides of the same phenomenon. The concepts of weak, failed and collapsed state standing for different stages of state weakening with different extent of quasistateness are also analyzed.
Keywords: state failure, state collapse, de facto secession, quasistateness, quasi-state, failed state, weak state
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