P. Yakovlev, Institute of Latin America, Russian Academy of Sciences, 21/16, B. Ordynka Str., Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation; Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, 36, Stremyannyi per., Moscow, 115054, Russian Federation (petrp.yakovlev@yandex.ru)
Abstract. Modern processes in Latin America confirmed the fact that the twenty-first century is a period of historic growth of developing countries. In the last 12-15 years in the Latin American region there have taken place a wave of significant changes, a lot of States have become financially and economically stronger. The countries modernized their internal socio-political structures, strengthened democratic institutions and benefited from the globalization, that enabled them to strengthen their positions in the international arena. The changes visibly transform the regional political-economic context affecting all areas of external relations of the Latin American countries, define the new role of the region in the emerging world. All these processes allow to speak about substantial geopolitical developments in the situation of Latin America.
Keywords: Latin America, economic growth, social transformation, foreign policy, integration, Asian factor, United States politics
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