A. Arbatov, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAN), 23 Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation (arbatov@imemo.ru)
Abstract. The article is dedicated to the state and prospects of the US-Russian dialogue on strategic arms control. Military-strategic and political reasons of the deadlock of negotiations existing since 2011 are discussed. Special attention is addressed to the situation in the area of strategic nuclear offensive arms, anti-ballistic missile systems, and advanced offensive conventional long-range weapons. The ways of achieving a breakthrough out of the present dead end and progress towards a next START treaty are proposed. Foremost this implies shifting the accent from the resolution of the BMD problem to the limitation of conventional strategic offensive systems. Also political obstacles and conditions for the progress of negotiations are analyzed.
Keywords: Nuclear armaments, ABM, Russia, USA, non-proliferation, START Treaty, Russian-American relations
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