Yu. Nadtochei, University for the Humanities, 5/1 Yunosti Str., Moscow, 111395, Russian Federation (ynadtochey@yandex.ru); Association for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, 3 Prechistenka Str., Moscow, 119034, Russian Federation (aeac@mail.ru)
Abstract. The article is devoted to a new role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Post-American world. It explores reasons why the Alliance enters a new cycle of its life, which may be branded as a steady retrenchment after a decade-long period of both geographical and functional expansion. The author examines new challenges the Alliance has faced in a time of global crisis. Austere military budgets, lack of political coherence within the transatlantic community, new rising powers and changing global political landscape – all these factors determine NATO “rolling back” policy.
Keywords: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Euro-Atlantic security, U.S. foreign and defense policy, humanitarian interventions, NATO strategic concept, deterrence posture, smart defense, out-of area operations, NATO-Russia relations, NATO enlargement
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