A. Abalkina, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 49, Leningradskii Prosp., 125993, Moscow, Russian Federation; Institute of Economy RAS, 32 Nahimovskii Prosp., 117218, Moscow, Russian Federation; University of Perugia, 20 Via Pascoli, Perugia, Italy (abalkina@gmail.com);
K. Ivanova, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 49 Leningradskii Prosp., 125993, Moscow, Russian Federation (iks_91@bk.ru)
Abstract. The article investigates the patterns of Russian banks’ export of direct investments. The authors provide estimations of the Russian banks’ expansion outside the CIS countries based on statistical data and expert calculations. We also map the geographical presence of Russian banks and analyze their entry modes on foreign markets. Our findings suggest that Russian banks’ subsidiaries outside the CIS countries act as financial intermediates between Russian and foreign markets, their role as intermediates on local financial markets is still poor.
Keywords: banks, transnationalization, expansion, Russia, non-CIS countries, Sberbank, VTB
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