A. Simonia, Institute of Oriental Studies (IV RAN), 12 Rozhdestvenka, Moscow, 107031, Russian Federation (aida.simonia@mailfrom.ru)
Abstract. Burma and Japan had long held the strongest ties among Asian countries. Such “historically friendly relationship” were based also on the sentiments and experiences of the leaders of both countries. Young Burmese patriots were trained by the Japanese army officers leading to the birth of the Burma Independence Army. Huge official development assistance provided by the Japanese government also cemented this “special relations”. However the military coup (1988) and Japanese ODA Charter (1992) drastically changed this favorable ties. Japan’s government and business have shown a keen interest in Myanmar since the establishment of a formally civilian government (2011) and beginning the rapid political reforms.
Keywords: Japan, Burma/Myanmar, bilateral relations, general Aung San, general Ne Win, Ðresident Thein Sein, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Aung San Suu Kyi, Keidanren, ODA Charter
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