E. Gromoglasova, Centre for Situation Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences, 23 Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation (e_gromoglasova@imemo.ru)
Abstract. The paper presents a comprehensive review of a book “European Union in XXI century: time of trials” published in Russian language by the Institute of Europe Russian Academy of Sciences in 2012. That monograph offers breakthrough insights into the development of the European Union shaken by Eurozone crisis. The framework of analysis covers such themes as the EU strategy of economic recovery and political unification, the future of Europe’s multiculturalism, Union’s role as a “soft power” on multilateral and bilateral level with a special focus on European Neighborhood region etc. The review discusses findings made by leading Russian researchers and provides some speculative assumptions on the future of the European integration model to stimulate public interest in reading that splendid academic volume.
Keywords: European Union, Eurozone crisis, institutionalism, varieties of capitalism in Europe, European welfare state, EU foreign policy, European integration theories
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