A. Kalyadin, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAN), 23 Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation (av5522@comtv.ru)
Abstract. The article analyses the UN Security Council‘s leverage to influence military-political processes related to arms control and counter-terrorism, highlighting the need to make fuller use of the UNSC enforcement potential. The author puts forward specific proposals for a more thorough involvement of the UNSC in the global activities to counter WMD proliferation and terrorism in order to improve global governance of international security and to guarantee progress of humanity on the path of sustainable peace and arms reduction. It is argued that Russia, with its traditions in defence of peace and disarmament, is in a position to assume leadership in working out arrangements aimed at efficient functioning of this principal decision-making authority of the international community for managing international security.
Keywords: international security; peace, UN Security Council; non-proliferation, disarmament; sanctions, enforcement, UNSC Military Staff Committee
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