K. Gadzhiev, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAN), 23 Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation (k.gajiev@rambler.ru)
Abstract. The paper attempts to identify and analyze one of the directions of the evolution of modern Western-style democracy in the information and telecommunication revolution and globalization. The main attention is paid to trends of review and re-evaluation of some basic values, principles and guidelines of the new liberalism, which for most of the twentieth century served as the basis of political democracy. The author substantiates the thesis whereby part of the Western intellectual establishment and political elite try to regenerate liberalism into libertarianism, whereby in the idea of democracy must prevail extreme vari-ants of interpretation of human rights and freedoms.
Keywords: democracy, liberalism, liberatrizm, requiem, human rights, freedom, politics, state
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