V. Milovidov, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, 76 Prosp. Venadskogo, Moscow, 119454, Russian Federation (vmilovidov@hotmail.com)
Abstract. The article explores unconscious motivations of human behavior in the financial market. Author introduces the following new notions: 1) “financial magnetism”, i.e. the motivation which is responsible for attracting investor to the market, and enables the investor’s “internal compass” to indicate the way through the market uncertainty; 2) “propensity to presence”, i.e. the motivation to wait, to be calm, not to panic in the very volatile market conditions, to have internal felling of the right moment to act; 3) “automotive volition”, i.e. the motivation, even the inner-directed force to get the goals, find the solutions, make decisions, and do best in the situations when no enough time to think and make the right choice is available.
Keywords: unconscious, financial market, propensity to liquidity, propensity to presence, magnetism, compensatory automaticity, unconscious volition, automatic volition, adaptive unconscious
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