F. Burdzhalov, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAN), 23 Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation (felix-burd@gmail.com)
Abstract. The review analyses the latest work of S. Nadel on the increasing gap between super-wealth and poverty. Having considerable experience of scientific research in social and economic development of modern capitalism he significantly expanded the boundaries of the subject of research, which is discussed in the context of the whole system of social relations. Author attempts to present an updated theory of production factors. The idea is that modern economic progress is determined by the sum of all factors of production, among which the latest achievements of sciences, technology and management are playing a large and rising role. This idea goes through the whole work connecting its individual parts into one edifice.
Keywords: poverty-wealth, gap between super-wealth and poverty, causes of the gap, prospects for closing the gap, modern factors of production
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