E. Telegina, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, 65, Leninskii prosp., Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation (telegina_engin@mail333.com).
M. Tadzhiev, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, 65, Leninskii prosp., Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
Abstract. According to judgemental forecasts, in the next few years the revolutionary changes in the energy complex both in the USA and in the world in general are hardly possible, considering the enormous inertia of the energetic system and high expenses coming from the infrastructure supersession, even in case of cost-effective alternatives to the existing energy commodities. At the same time, the sharpening of energy security problems resulting from the growth of a global demand on energy products leads to perceprion of necessity for a new approach to forming the global energy market, and to development of new stability and reliability strategies maintenance for assured supplies of energy products. In recent years, the USA as the biggest consumer of energy resources in the world worked out a new national strategy of energy security provision. Its main targets are: meeting the requirements of the American economy of its own resources, lowering the import-dependence level, high use of innovation technologies, significant increase of investments in alternative energy sources, as well as of resource-and energy-saving.
Keywords: energy security, stability of energy products supplies, national energy strategy, import-dependence, innovation technologies, energy efficiency
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