N. Ivanov, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAN), 23 Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation (a-na-ta@yandex.ru).
Abstract. The article deals the problems of innovative development, primarily those of accumulation of human capital that occupies the central position of the world economy of XX century. Its priority is based on revolutionary character of scientific and technological development of recent decades. This not only triggers the major breakthroughs a number of leading branches of knowledge but makes the innovations permanent. At the same time under the conditions of globalization the issues of moral and ethical norms and universal solidarity come to forefront. This makes more and more urgent the change of the developmental priorities.
Keywords: innovative development, Etzkowitz triple helix, innovative model of development, natural resources model, institutional foundations, social priorities
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