E. Dabagyan, Institute for Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (ILA RAN), 21/16, B. Ordynka Str., Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation (emidab@yandex.ru).
Abstract. Peru – Latin American nation looking to Pacific Ocean, mid-sized by territory and population – has shown a substantial progress in its social and political development in recent 25 years. Now it is an important player of regional scale which is well respected by its near and far neighbors. Not surprisingly some expert tend to compare Peru to Singapore and South Korea, others introduced a notion “Peru is China in miniature”. The author undertakes and effort to present a concentrated analysis of complex, sometimes contradictory and even paradox processes in this country at the turn of XX and XXI centuries. The growing role of Peru in continental and international relations is shown.
Keywords: Peru, Fuhimori, Toledo, Garcia, Umala, electronic companies, foreign investment, USA, Brazil, Pacific Alliance, China, Russia
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