P. Cherkasov, Institute of General History (IVI RAN), Russian Academy of Sciences, 32a Leninskii prosp., Moscow, 119334, Russian Federation; Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAN), 23 Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation (ptch46@mail.ru).
Abstract. The article discusses the activities of IMEMO during Yevgeny Primakov’s directorship (1985 - 1989), which coincided with Gorbachev's Perestroika. The author shows the role of Primakov in the reorientation of IMEMO’s research in order to meet new challenges set by Perestroika. These challenges required structural reorganization of the Institute and ongoing review of priorities in scientific investigations.
Keywords: Perestroika, speed-up, transparency, new political thinking, reforms, political system, Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Primakov, IMEMO, IOS
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