E. Rashkovskii, All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature, 1, Nikoloyamskaya Str., Moscow, 109189, Russian Federation; Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAN), 23, Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation (rashkov@rambler.ru).
Abstract. This publication presents a review of statements at the scientific conference with similar title, held in December 2011 in the All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature n. a. M.I. Rudomino. The hearings were based on the principle of considering the bonds between Russia (primarily cultural and mental) and its neighbors along the perimeter of its national boundaries – from North-West to the Far East.
Keywords: neighbor states, mental and social bonds between Russia and neighboring countries, diasporization, Russian question,“soft power”, history and modernity
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