Global Modern: from World Economics to World Politics

DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2012-6-80-89

V. Mart'yanov, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch, 16, Sof'i Kovalevskoi Str., Ekaterinburg, 620990, Russian Federation (

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of Modernity social and political project globalization processes. It is posited that the key transformations of the contemporary world are linked to the globalization of national models of Modernity rather than to transition from Modernity to postmodern condition, networked society or neotraditionalism. The article argues in favour of the hypothesis that the forced and non-simultaneous globalization of Modernity determines the key features of social and political processes in different regions. Thus, the author contributes to the complex analysis of Modernity transformations.

Keywords: Modern, modernization, world economics, world politics, liberal consensus, non-simultaneity, global ethics, Russia

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For citation:
Mart'yanov V. Global Modern: from World Economics to World Politics. World Eсonomy and International Relations, 2012, no. 6, pp. 80-89.

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