Myanmar on the Way to Democracy

DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2012-5-71-79

A. Simonia, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (IV RAN), 12, Rozhdestvenka Str., Moscow, 107031, Russian Federation (

Abstract. The power in Myanmar (former Burma) was under military control since 1962. Now, at last, things begin to change. One can see something looking more like democracy. The 2010 elections, however, resulted in nothing more than some modification of the facade. The military has reasserted its leading position, the generals are pulling the strings just like before. Nevertheless, the authorities made a bold and crucial step: a meeting was arranged between the State rulers and the political detainee number 1 Aung San Suu Kyi, the uncontested opposition leader. A limited amnesty of political prisoners was also announced. The point is that the military rulers are anxious to break out of the international isolation and to get rid of the crippling sanctions imposed on their country by the major world powers. The first steps on this long road appear rather successful.

Keywords: Myanmar, President Thein Sein, military regime, National League for Democracy, Aung San Suu Kyi, Senior General Than Shwe

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For citation:
Simoniya A. Myanmar on the Way to Democracy. World Eсonomy and International Relations, 2012, no. 5, pp. 71-79.

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