S. Tvorogova, National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation (svetlana.tvorogova@gmail.com).
Abstract. The experience of being in a different environment, of resolving the professional, personal and cultural issues, of a high degree of autonomy definitely promote the personal growth. Internship program’s participants see greater opportunities for further development and raise the level of claims both to themselves and to the expectations of others. They expand the horizons of goal-setting, use the new tools for professional and personal growth. Expansion of international contacts has beneficial effects on the relationships with the external partners, as well on dynamics of their own lives, in which the new active people are included. All this suggests that the development of national and international programs is extremely important for our country. A positive foreign experience in this regard can not be overemphasized.
Keywords: international cooperation, international exchange programs, Humboldt Fund, Germany, Russia
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