A. Maslennikov, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAN), 23, Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation (maslennikov@imemo.ru).
Abstract. In recent decades, the oil futures and so called paper oil market gained rapid development. There are different points of view on the issue, what influence the "paper" oil has on real oil prices: some experts believe that such influence doesn't exist, other specialists consider it to be essential. World financial crisis didn't stop the growth of derivatives exchange trading on the energy market. In the circumstances, the USA and the EU introduced its reform, but this process is going on very slowly. As a result, the restrictions presently existing on energy derivatives markets don't have a serious restraining effect on the volume of speculative trading.
Keywords: energy derivatives, petroleum futures, swaps, over-the-counter market, positions limits, derivatives regulation, The Dodd–Frank Act
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