D. Danilov, Institute of Europe RAS, 11-3, Mokhovaya Str., Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation (dm.danilov@mail.ru).
Abstract. For more than 20 years the idea of building a common security space from Vancouver to Vladivostok remains to be admitted by the former Cold War adversaries as the main political guideline. However, there is still no unanimity concerning even a general possibility to form a community of Euro-Atlantic security, not to mention the road maps of the multilateral movement from Vancouver to Vladivostok. The article analyzes the nature of the ongoing changes in the modern security system, as well as the transformation processes taking place in the world that affect the system of its security.
Keywords: European security system (ESS), Vancouver, Vladivostok, Euro-Atlantic security community, European Union, BMD, NITO
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