D. Bol’shakov, Joint-stock company Almaz-Antey (antey@inbox.ru).
G. Kozlov, Joint-stock company Almaz-Antey (editor@almaz-antey.ru).
V. Men'shchikov, Joint-stock company Almaz-Antey (antey@almaz-antey.ru)
Abstract. Two models of dynamics of economic systems are considered. On their basis the authors carry out an analysis of the prospects of the economic competition between the USA and China. The statistical information on the annual values of the US and Chinese GDP for the last 20 years is treated. The received results allow authors to propose a forecast of the maximum value of China’s GDP and the break-even point in growth of the US GDP.
Keywords: GDP, USA, China, development model, model “predator-victim”, method of configurations, Runge-Kutta method
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