O. Bogomolov, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 42a, Novocheremushkinskaya Str., Moscow, 117418, Russian Federation (o.t.bogomolov@mail.ru)
Abstract. The relative weakness of the modern social and political thought is especially visible against the background of the global economic crisis and historical changes in the world. We see a trampling on outdated ideological and historical positions, as well as a lack of the ability to produce a generalized vision of the new trends and realities of social life, correctly assessing their meaning, direction, possible consequence. Most importantly, there is a failure to offer an adequate practical political vector of actions. The definition of the post-reform model of social and political system remains an urgent problem for Russia as well. Academic thought must provide political and economic practice by adequate indicators enabling to evaluate spiritual, moral and physical health of the society, efficiency of the governmental apparatus, the quality and professionalism of managers.
Keywords: globalization, world economy, system of international relations, financial and production crisis, human capital, social and political thought, social theory, spiritual and civilizational heritage, neoliberalism, modernization of economy, Russia
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