K. Gadzhiev, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO), 23, Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation (k.gajiev@rambler.ru)
Abstract. In the article, the world economy functioning and development, its ongoing events, processes and changes which cannot be separated out, analyzed and understood rightly devoid of the context of the deep and large-scale world change taken place in recent decades are analyzed. It is referred to real revolutions in the primary areas of society – social, political, socio-cultural, politico-cultural, ideological, etc. It affected all levels – global, national and subnational, – having prompted differently manifesting crises at each of them. The author poses many questions regarding the outlines, configurations, nature and essence of the new world order and new world economy system, which cannot have decisive answers at present.
Keywords: world economic crisis, world order, global, national, subnational, chaos, anarchy
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