S. Peregudov, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO), 23, Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation (peregood1@rambler.ru)
Abstract. The inability of either Labourists or Conservatives to form a parliamentary majority government after elections, and Liberal-Democratic Party's assuming a position that allows to qualify for a real participation in the state administration, change not only the balance of power, but also the contry's party-political system functioning principles themselves. Not less essential is the change in relations between society and government which became apparent during the electoral campaign and allows to raise an issue of a qualitative shift in the British democracy model.
Keywords: “balanced parliament”, David Cameron, Nick Clegg, coalition government, Westminster model crisis, monitoring democracy, election campaign, Americanization, the role of new media
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