World Eñonomy and International Relations

Monthly Academic Journal

RYABOV Andrei Vilenovich – Editor-in-Chief
MATVEEVA Irina Eduardovna – Executive Secretary

Founders: Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences; Russian Academy of Sciences

Publisher: Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences

The Journal is published under supervision of the Department of Global Problems and International Relations of the RAS

Included in VAC list, Science Index

Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science (RSCI and ESCI)

ISSN 0131-2227 e-ISSN 2782-4330

The author’s opinions may not coincide with the position of editorial

Dear Authors and Readers!

Please note that in order to ensure stability of work of the editorial office and the possibility of planning the filling of the actual headings of the journal, articles and other materials received by the editorial office after July 1 will most likely be published next year. If you plan to publish your article in the current year the material should be submitted to the editorial office no later than July 1 of the current year.

In order to avoid the multiplicity of copyright profiles and to unambiguously identify your works in the international and domestic databases of scientific citation while submitting manuscripts to our journal please specify your ORCID.

Please note that full-text versions of each issue of the journal are now open on our website after 3 months of publication. Work on deepening the open full-text archive continues. By March 2023, all articles and materials published in the journal since 1998 will be freely accessible.

We kindly request you to turn to editor-in-chief and executive secretary directly concerning reviewing scientific publications in our journal. Only editor-in-chief takes decision on order and publication the reviews!

The editorial office has received the electronic version of the next issue of the French journal Politique étrangère (No. 2, 2024). IMEMO employees can receive the issues of the journal by personally applying to the Editorial Office (room 18-17) with their electronic media.






Dear authors! Please note that in the VAK List of peer-reviewed scientific journals, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of sciences should be published for the “MEMO Journal” the following specialties are recorded:
economic sciences:
5.2.5. World Economy.
5.2.1. Economic Theory
5.2.3. Regional and Branch Economics
political sciences:
5.5.4. International Relations
5.5.1. History and Theory of Politics
5.5.2. Political Institutions, Processes, Technologies


Current Issue
2025, vol. 69, No. 2
Topical Themes of the Issue:
  • Battle of Titans: Structural Shifts in MNCs Global Production
  • Features of Collective Securitization in the European Union
  • Terrorist Networks of the “Global Jihad” in the 2020s
  • At Post-Soviet Space

Dear authors of the journal!

Please note that the author's copies of the issues in which your texts are published are kept in the editorial office for no more than one year. After this period expires, the editorial office has the right to dispose of unclaimed copies at its own discretion.


Submit an Article
The Editorial Board invites authors to write analytical articles on the following topics:
  • changes in the processes of globalization in modern conditions
  • formation of the new world order
  • shifts in civilization at the stage of transition to a digital society

The editors are also interested in publishing synthesis articles / scientific reviews revealing the main trends in the development of certain regions of the world - Latin America, Africa, South Asia, etc.